Q: How can I cancel Fye Backstage Pass?
A: To cancel Fye Backstage Pass, log in to your account and go to the “Manage Subscriptions” section in your account settings. From there, you can cancel your Fye Backstage Pass subscription.

Q: When does the subscription end after I cancel it?
A: When you cancel your subscription, you can continue to use the service until the end date of your current subscription. After this period, your subscription will automatically end.

Q: Is there any penalty for canceling?
A: You can cancel your Fye Backstage Pass subscription at any time without any penalty.

Q: Can I get a refund if I cancel?
A: Unfortunately, refunds are not provided for canceled Fye Backstage Pass subscriptions.

Q: How can I reactivate my subscription after canceling?
A: After canceling your subscription, you can reactivate it by logging into your account and resubscribing. However, you will need to start a new subscription in this case.

Q: I have another question, who can I contact?
A: If you have any other questions, you can contact us using the information provided on our “Contact” page.